Saturday, December 2, 2017

15 Signs it's Time to Unplug from Technology

You know it's time to unplug from technology if...

1. You check your phone incessantly. 

2. You enjoy spending more time on your phone than with your spouse, kids, friends or family. (at least your actions say that you do) 

3. You take your phone everywhere (even the bathroom) and panic when it's not with you. 

4. You're constantly comparing your life and your self worth to others.

5. You're not productive.

6. You haven't participated in your favorite hobbies recently, maybe for months.

7. You're not present. 

8. You crave validation and feel the need to share everything about your life. 

9. You can't get a good night's sleep or truly ever feel recharged.

10. You have more frequent back, neck or headaches. 

11. You feel chronically stressed, lonely or envious.

12. You're working after hours. (constantly sharing posts for your business or answering emails) 

13. You've become overly dependent on phone apps like google maps.

14. You're hearing phantom phone rings or vibrations.

15. You check your email first thing in the morning and before you go to bed. 

If you were nodding as you were reading this and internally acknowledged that you do some or most of this, it may be time for a break! Put down your phone. Dance in your living room. Give someone a hug and tell them something nice. Eat a meal without taking a picture of it. Go on an outing or to a restaurant without sharing about it. It might be challenging but you can do it! Your inner self will thank you! 

We know excessive technology or phone time is bad for us. We read the scientific and psychological studies. We might even readily recognize the personal negative consequences of too much screen time. Despite all of this, we each tend to get pulled back in repeatedly. Even if we have to set alarms or create lock out settings to force us to take time to be present in our life, it's important more than ever to take a break. We each need time to unplug, relax, recharge and gain perspective on our life in any given day or week. When we get to the end of our lives, the last thing we will be relishing in or thankful for, is all the time we spent online! 

Lovely artistic video by Charlene DeGuzman subtly highlighting the heartbreak of society's dependence on technology... 

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